one year of counting my blessings

“We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right.” ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My garden is out of control!

Here are our tomato plants, they are completely taking over our entryway! When I bought cages for them I thought the small cages would be enough but I was way off! Those cages have now started to topple over. I feel like I need a machete when I go out to collect the ripe tomatoes.
Here is my first and only bell pepper so far but another one has started to grow.
I have had tons of tomatoes and there are hundreds of green ones still waiting to be harvested. I gave a bunch to a friend to make fried green far we have been able to consume all of the ripe ones but soon I will have to figure out how to make salsa, spaghetti sauce or tomato soup.
This is my favorite tomato so far! It was so tiny!
This week I took my green pepper, added a few tomatoes and some of my basil and made stuffed bell peppers.
I know it doesn't look pretty but it sure was delicious!
Here is mine without the cheese of course!

It is so fun to be able to use veggies and herbs that I have grown to make dinner! What else should I grow next year!?!

1 comment:

Sky said...

Are you writing this post from the future? What's up with the time stamp?


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wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, artist, inspiration