one year of counting my blessings

“We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right.” ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, July 29, 2010

finally a productive day!

I think I have entered a mourning period. August is quickly approaching, school supplies are taking over target and I could count down the days left of summer. Of course I won't actually count the days left of summer because it is too much to bare! This mourning has left me with little inspiration to get things done. But I have talked myself out of it enough to know I don't want to waste time dreading the end of summer, instead I am going to try to cram in as much as possible!

Today I woke up, put away clean clothes, picked up the house, did laundry, watered my plants, picked the ripe tomatoes, went grocery shopping, developed film at target, returned broken garbage can, bought a new garbage can, made four new headbands, biked to a few garage sales, mailed package at the post office, went to the chiropractor, read a little bit of my book, organized my craft room, had dinner with my sister and brother-in-law and now I am sitting down to enjoy date night with Joel!

Hooray for making the most of one day!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Whew! you made me tired just reading about all you accomplished in one day. I feel good if I get laundry done, house picked up, supper cooked and a few other things done. I guess being retired makes you not as pushed to get things done -- tomorrow is another day.


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wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, artist, inspiration