one year of counting my blessings

“We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right.” ~Marianne Williamson

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Rather than post about my resolutions to "do better" in 2010, I am starting a list of my favorite things about 2009/things about this year that I am thankful for in no particular order.

1. Getting my first classroom teaching position and literally weeping for joy
2. My depression medication making my brain work and helping me to have joy again
3. Starting this blog
4. Having my very own crafting space
5. Finding a dress form at the thrift store that is my exact size
6. Making my first dress
7. Getting into screenprinting
8. Crafting with friends over the summer
9. All of Joel's visits to read with my kindergarten students
10. Annual girls weekend in Duluth
11. All of my fantastic Saver's finds... I love thrifting :-)
12. Joel
13. Remodeling the living room, not the during but the after
14. Hosting our first Thanksgiving for Joel's family
15. Meeting up with my mom and sister in St. Cloud
16. Seeing Julie & Julia with my mom
17. Anniversary trip to the little cottage
18. My first graders
19. Pajama day at school
20. My students telling me they love me, or that I am smart :-) so cute
21. My students telling their classmates to be quiet while I draw because I am an artist and they want me to be able to concentrate also seriously cute
22. Christmas vacation in Colorado
23. Friday night pizza with Joel
24. Love and Logic conference with Tahnee
25. Yoga this summer
26. Salsa dancing birthday party
27. Making quilts for my mom and mother-in-law
28. Surprise 50th birthday party for my mom
29. Our small group
30. Polar Express Christmas party with my students
31. watching So You Think You Can Dance with Joel
32. Baking and bringing treats to school
33. Zach and Shay moving to Minnesota
34. Girl's Bible study this summer
35. Hanging out with Shawn
36. My cat getting snugglier (yes that is a word in my dictionary)
37. Getting a new washer and dryer for free
38. Joel's no longer needing a cast or brace for his arm
39. Joel
40. Dancing with Joel
41. Redoing our bedroom
42. Telling my students I would be gone for a teacher workshop so I could learn how to be a better teacher and having them be shocked and say I didn't need to go to that because I am the best teacher!
43. Getting a new camera after a year and a half without one
44. Surprise birthday party from my kindergartners
45. Continually growing in my faith
46. Helping with "The Wiz" musical at school
47. Surprise date to see "Wicked" with Joel and Steph
48. Doing TaeBo with my was cute :-)
49. Learning to not be so worried about what other people think and do what makes me happy
50. Pump It Up field trip with my students

to be continued...

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wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, artist, inspiration