one year of counting my blessings

“We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right.” ~Marianne Williamson

Sunday, March 21, 2010

my students were great this week!

Everyday with my students this week was awesome! We were able to do really fun, out of the ordinary activities and they handled themselves well the whole time! Wednesday was probably my favorite day. We had fun St. Patrick's day themed activities including trying to catch a leprechaun! Joel came in to meet the students this morning and helped to make a leprechaun trap! He decorated a box and and we put shiny objects under it to lure the leprechauns in. Joel pretended that he has had a lot of experience trying to catch one so he came in to help. It was cute.
The kids were so excited about trying to catch the leprechaun. They were reminding each other to be quiet all day so they didn't scare him away. We did a rainbow art project and they were all seated, focused, sharing and working silently. It was so amazing I had to take a picture. They have never been so good! We also had some irish music playing. This picture might not mean very much to anyone else, but I will treasure it forever!
After lunch the kids came back to discover that I had caught a rainbow for us to taste. We went on a trip to the kitchen and they baked it for us. While we waited we went outside with our 5th grade reading buddies for an extra recess. It was gorgeous outside! When we came back inside we collected the rainbow cookies and surprised the other first grade class with one. When we got back to the classroom we realized that the leprechaun had made a mess while trying to find some gold and that the trap had been set. We gathered around the trap and quietly opened it... no leprechaun... but we did catch some of his gold candies! So much fun!

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wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, artist, inspiration