one year of counting my blessings

“We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right.” ~Marianne Williamson

Thursday, March 11, 2010

birthday week days 2, 3, 4 and 5

It has been a stressful/crappy week at school. I am not giving up, I am hopeful it will improve and if not spring break is only ten more days of teaching away. The school musical is next weekend so after that my life will be MUCH less stressful. I am enjoying working on it but staying after school so many days a week is wearing on me.

But on a MUCH more happy note, it has been a great birthday week so far!

Day 1: continued...I forgot to mention that when we were leaving our day 1 date, Joel opened the car door for me. It has been a long time since he has done that but it was very sweet and something I want to remember!

Day 2: Monday, following a very bad day at work and a less than encouraging play practice I rushed home to get Joel to his haircut appointment. While he was getting pampered (he loves getting his hair washed...who doesn't?) I sat in the hot tub and tried to de-stress. It didn't really work, but I had a few minutes to say a few frustrated prayers before meeting up with Joel. Then we stopped at Target to get ingredients for tonight's birthday mission: baking a Funfetti cake, my favorite kind of cake.
Then Joel baked me a cake and it definitely put a smile on my face. Joel loves me so much and will pretty much do whatever it takes to make me smile and to make me happy!
Later we watched an episode of Chuck, our current favorite tv show and enjoyed a few pieces of cake!

Day 3: Tuesday, following an even worse day than yesterday (snapshot: crying in front of my students because they were SO disrespectful and completely out of control) I came home to enjoy the company of some our closest friends and small group members. We hung out, ate cake and discussed our latest sermon series on finances.
After they left I asked Joel if there was a mission for tonight and he asked if I had been checking my emails. I had Joel come tuck me into bed and we sat with my computer so I could see my gift. Joel had sent me two messages on Facebook. When we were dating we would write each other constantly on facebook. I was always running to my computer to refresh the screen and check if I had any new messages. Here is a small part of one of the messages Joel sent me tonight.

"I love you! You are precious to me and I have a smile on my face right now as I write this to you... remembering those early-obsession-filled days in our relationship. :-)"

The other message gave me my mission for the night. I was to go on a scavenger hunt for a note that Joel had hidden somewhere in the house. But since I was already in bed I decided to look for it tomorrow.

Day 4: Wednesday, I woke up extra early (4:10 AM) to take Joel to the airport. He would be flying to California to attend the Game Developers Conference that he has always dreamt of going to. He is going for work so all of the trip is paid for. When Joel first mentioned going I was a little hurt that he would be traveling over my birthday but he assured me that he had already thought of that and that he wouldn't go if I didn't want him too, or he would seriously make it up to me with my birthday week. I knew he wanted to go to this conference so I said that of course he would go but I was honest about being sad that he wouldn't be here on my birthday.
So long story short I brought him to the airport and said a groggy goodbye. He gave me a card with my next mission's details and said to open it when I get to school. I opened it at school, it included a hilarious Far Side cartoon about knitting and a gift card to the LifeSpa I used to work at. He had also scheduled me a manicure and pedicure for Thursday!

When I came home on Wednesday I was sad because I knew the house would be empty, but excited because I knew I had a note hidden somewhere. I couldn't find it until Joel gave me two clues. It had a stamp on it and it was one of nine. Then I knew where it was and ran upstairs to find that he had written on a postcard for me. When we redecorated our bedroom I framed nine vintage postcards. Six of the cards had been sent to people living in Minnesota and three of them were blank. Before framing them I wrote out one of them to Joel and asked that he do the same for me. Now he finally did and I will treasure it always!
Day 5: A much needed day off! I spent most of the day at the spa being pampered. I had a massage with Amy and my friend Kaurie came in on her day off to cut and color my hair! I didn't have time for the mani and pedi but instead I purchased some new nail polish and did my nails myself. Joel also text me a code that would get me a free movie at Redbox so I picked up the movie "Love Happens" and I am now going to go make some popcorn and lay down to enjoy it!

Have I mentioned lately that my husband is AMAZING! I am so blessed.

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wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, artist, inspiration